ODM MPs jealously defend RAILA against corruption as they warn RUTO to desist from dragging BABA’s name through the mud


Tuesday, July 6, 2021 – A section of ODM MPs has warned Deputy President William Ruto against dragging Raila Odinga’s name into corruption scandals.

This comes barely a day after Raila Odinga and William Ruto traded barbs over who is more corrupt than the other.

Addressing journalists yesterday, the ODM MPs who included Moitalel Ole Kenta (Narok North), Anthony Oluoch (Mathare), Caleb Amisi (Saboti) and ANC nominated MP Godfrey Ososti instead linked Ruto and his allies to corruption.

“William Ruto cannot run away from corruption, it is synonymous with him and his allies. He should desist from involving Raila Odinga in the vice,” said Moitalel Ole Kenta.

On his part, Mathare MP Anthony Oluoch wondered why Ruto quickly attacked Raila when he said he will jail all corrupt leaders should he ascend to power.

“When the issues of corruption are mentioned, he quickly jumps to his own defense.”

“Could he be telling us that he is synonymous with corruption?”

“It puzzles some of us to see Ruto link Odinga to corruption scandals yet Odinga is not in government,” he said.

Over the weekend, Raila vowed to jail Ruto and his corrupt allies once he becomes president in 2022, a remark that attracted the DP’s response the following day, accusing the former PM of being the godfather of corruption himself.

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