Prof. MAKAU MUTUA predicts that DP RUTO will be the next President of Kenya in 2022 whether you like it or not!

 Sunday, July 4, 2021 – Renowned columnist and scholar, Prof Makau Mutua, has predicted that Deputy President William Ruto will be the next President of Kenya after President Uhuru Kenyatta retires in 2022.

In an article in one of the local dailies on Sunday, Mutua, who is SUNY Distinguished Professor and Margaret W. Wong Professor at Buffalo Law School, said Ruto is currently unstoppable and unless something drastic happens, nothing can stop him from being the fifth President of Kenya.

“My crystal ball tells me there’s a very good chance DP William Ruto, the man who escaped the gallows of the International Criminal Court by a whisker, could become the fifth president of the Republic of Kenya,” Makau wrote in one of the local dailies.

Makau said National Super Alliance (NASA) and other political formations are in comatose and none of them can stop DP Ruto from being President in 2022.

“While his opponents in NASA or One-Kenya Alliance dither, wobble or remain comatose, he’s marching ahead collecting weaklings and stalwarts. 

“Now he’s unstoppable. In fact, he’s acting as though his only opponent is Mr. Kenyatta. 

“He may be right. Or wrong,” he wrote.

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