RAILA is having sleepless nights as it emerges that his numbers do not add up – No wonder he is too afraid to face RUTO in 2022

 Thursday, July 15, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is yet to declare his bid to face Deputy President William Ruto in the 2022 presidential contest.

According to sources, Raila is still not sure of his numbers because they don’t add up.

This was corroborated by Bumula MP Mwambu Mabonga, who noted that the popularity of Raila Odinga’s party ODM in the western region has declined in the recent past, especially after the vote-rich region supported Raila twice, only for him to lose.

He noted that no politician in Western Kenya is going to support Raila going forward because he has not helped the region even after overwhelmingly supporting him in the past.

“No politicians from the Western region is willing to support Raila Odinga again as the region has not benefited from him since they started supporting him,” he said.

The Tanga Tanga allied MP further criticized President Uhuru’s efforts to unite the National Super Alliance principals ahead of the 2022 General Election.

The Bumula MP further read malice in President Uhuru Kenyatta’s efforts to unite NASA’s principals, which brings together Raila Odinga (ODM), Moses Wetang’ula (Ford Kenya), Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), and Musalia Mudavadi (ANC).

“Honestly, if you knew they were important people, why didn’t you unite them in 2013 so that they could help you win the polls fairly?” he posed.

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