RAILA losing ground in his own ‘bedroom’ as ODM members defect to GIDEON MOI’s KANU en masse – Look! RUTO should now be worried


Wednesday, July 28, 2021 – Baringo Senator Gideon Moi has gone all out in his spirited efforts to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta come 2022.

This is after he launched a countrywide drive to revamp his party KANU ahead of next year’s General Election.

Gideon’s next stop will be in the Coast region which has for many years been dominated by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

Even before he arrives in the region next month, KANU has already made substantial grounds as far as reducing Raila’s numbers in the Coast is concerned.

According to KANU’s Mombasa County Chapter Chairperson Rukia Rashid, despite the county being an ODM stronghold, they have managed to conduct a massive recruitment drive, with 6,000 residents joining the party.

Rashid said the party has a huge potential for growth, adding that the planned countrywide campaigns should boost its image.

She dismissed claims that the party is a passing cloud despite the slow pace in the recruitment of members.

“We have plans to have monthly local activities to keep the party alive and kicking,” she said.

The move also poses a great threat to Deputy President William Ruto who has been making inroads in the Coastal areas.

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