RAILA ODINGA reveals what happened to him after he threatened to jail DP RUTO for corruption – The cartels are scared!


Thursday, July 8, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has maintained that he will jail Deputy President William Ruto and his Tanga Tanga friends over corruption if he is elected president in 2022.

Speaking in an interview, Raila stated that corrupt people will pay a heavy price under his presidency.

Raila said the country is facing economic hardship because those looting public resources have not been dealt with decisively.

This is even as he has received numerous threats over his unwavering stand on the war against graft.

But according to him, he cannot join the circus of those who are afraid to speak against corruption.

“I have received messages and people have been threatening and warning me to go slow on corruption matters lest I lose the support of Kenyans should I contest in the 2022 General Election.”

“But if fighting corruption will make me lose popularity, so be it because if we don’t face corruption head-on as leaders, we will never grow as a country,” Raila said.

He noted that such messages and warnings are a clear indication that corruption is entrenched in the country and if not fought, will consume the entire nation.

“If that is what people want, I would rather not be the president instead of leading a country where corruption is beyond 100 percent yet the perpetrators go scot-free,” he said.

“We cannot proceed or develop as a country where corruption is the order of the day.”

“The action taken against the culprits is what makes the difference in the war against graft,” he added.

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