RAILA ODINGA‘s presidential bid in jeopardy as WETANGULA makes a shocking announcement – RUTO is the next President!


Tuesday, July 6, 2021 – A party associated with Bungoma Senator, Moses Wetangula, has made an announcement that will jeopardize the political plans of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

 Although he is yet to announce his presidential bid in 2022, Raila is putting all his energy to revive the National Super Alliance (NASA) ahead of the General Election.

 NASA is an amalgamation of ODM, Ford Kenya, Wiper Democratic Movement, and Amani National Congress (ANC).

 However, in an interview with Citizen TV on Tuesday, Ford Kenya Secretary General, Chris Wamalwa, said the ‘lion’ party will pull out of the NASA coalition in the next coming weeks.

Wamalwa accused ODM of neglecting other partners in the coalition.

Wamalwa said they had agreed as the coalition about political parties’ funds, but ODM has betrayed the three parties after refusing to share the funds together.

“Some of us who were in the House leadership was kicked out, and the ODM party leader himself has been on record saying that NASA is dead, but when the finance is convenient, and we are heading to the 2022 General Election, they start running up and down that we want to revive NASA for their selfish interests,” Wamalwa said.

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