RUTO beats UHURU in his own ‘bedroom’ as UDA candidate NJUGUNA WANJIKU is declared winner in Kiambaa with Jubilee’s KARIRI NJAMA crying foul

 Friday, July 16, 2021 – United Democratic Alliance (UDA) candidate Njuguna Wanjiku has been declared the winner of the hotly contested Kiambaa by-election.

This comes as Jubilee cried foul over the by-election claiming that UDA rigged the poll with the help of IEBC.

According to Jubilee candidate Kariri Njama, IEBC under Wafula Chebukati tilted the election in the favour of UDA’s Njuguna Wanjiku.

Earlier on, Njama and his supporters stormed the tallying centre and caused a fracas forcing the IEBC to temporarily suspend vote counting.

The Jubilee candidate and his entourage wanted IEBC’s Kiambaa Returning Officer – Peter Muigai – to recount votes for two centres, Kawaida and Muchatha polling stations they alleged had witnessed election malpractices. 

“We want a recount in Kawaida and Muchatha,” they demanded. IEBC had counted 42,611 votes by then, representing a voter turnout of 44.79 percent. Kiambaa has 96,020 registered voters.

Police took over the tallying centre and locked contesting officials out of the premises. 

Later, the counting resumed and Njuguna emerged the winner with 21, 773 votes against Jubilee’s Kariri Njama who garnered 21243 votes.

The Kiambaa by-election had been touted as a litmus test for both President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto of UDA going to the 2022 General Election.

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