See the number of votes RAILA ODINGA will get if he decides to compete with DP RUTO in 2022

 Wednesday, July 14, 2021 – Kakamega Senator, Cleophas Malala, has surprised Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party followers after revealing the number of votes their party leader will get if he decides to compete with Deputy President William Ruto.

During an interview with Citizen TV on Tuesday, Malala said Raila will make a big mistake if he decides to face Ruto in 2022.

Malala, who is supporting Amani National Congress (ANC) party leader Musalia Mudavadi’s presidency in 2022 said, if Raila competes with Ruto, he will be beaten badly and he will not manage to get 1 million votes.

“If Raila faces Ruto, he will not manage to get even 1 million votes. As we approach the 2022 elections you must be humble because we are the people supplying Raila with votes,” Malala told ODM Secretary-General, Edwin Sifuna, who was his fellow panelist.

Malala concluded by saying the only person who can beat DP Ruto is Mudavadi since he has a lot of experience in matters of economy.

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