SULEIMAN SHAHBAL issues a stern warning to RAILA after rejoining ODM and puts his rivals on notice – Is he UHURU’s mole?


Tuesday, July 13, 2021 – Coast politician Suleiman Shahbal has vowed to defect from former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s ODM if he is rigged out in the race to succeed Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho in 2022.

Speaking during an interview, Shahbal, who defected from President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee to rejoin ODM, noted that he was ready and willing to support anyone who was going to beat him at the polls.

However, he added that if he was defeated unfairly at the nominations then he won’t hesitate to seek a better option through which to express his democratic right.

He clarified that nobody should ever accept to be defeated unfairly at the polls because it’s a disservice not only to yourself but to your voters too.

In what was deemed to be a barb at the Mvita legislator Abdulswamad Nasir who’s considered his biggest rival, he dismissed endorsements as a cowardly tactic and said that even if someone is endorsed, he or she will still have to face the electorate at the end of the day.

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