UHURU’s ally, SABINA CHEGE, confirms what WAMUCHOMBA said about the planned Jubilee-ODM merger after defecting to RUTO’s camp – This is bad news for RAILA

 Monday, July 5, 2021 – Murang’a Woman Representative Sabina Chege has sent chills down former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s spine after she confirmed what her counterpart from Kiambu, Gathoni Wa Muchomba, said about the planned merger between President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party and Raila’s ODM.

Speaking during an interview, Sabina confirmed that it’s true that the alleged Jubilee-ODM merger is unknown to members within the Jubilee party, noting that she too is not aware of the merger.

According to her, the Jubilee-ODM merger is an agenda-driven by two leaders, and that as the Jubilee leaders, they have never met and neither talked of such.

“No one told me about the Jubillee-ODM merger. If two people meet and talk about such things, that is not something to give me sleepless nights,” said Sabina Chege.

She cautioned the Kikuyu community to be wary of the merger and to jealously protect their Jubilee party failure to which they will lose their political relevance.

“If we dissolve Jubilee Party what are we going to negotiate with at the negotiation table.”

“Today if you ask our people which is their party, they cannot tell you,” said Sabina Chege.

“It will be wise for us to be in a party. If you ask Luo which is their party, you expect the answer to be the ODM party, but what about us,” she added.

Sabina was echoing Wamuchomba, who chose to defect from Jubilee and join Deputy President William Ruto’s UDA after learning that the Jubilee Party was being swallowed by Raila’s ODM and they were never informed about it as members.

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