UHURU’s man, KANINI KEGA, receives a cold reception in his Kieni home – Never joke with DP RUTO


Monday, July 29, 2021 – Kieni MP, Kanini Kega, is in the sunset of his short political career going by the reception he got in his Kieni hometown on Thursday.

Kega, who is among those opposed to Deputy President William Ruto’s presidential bid, was seen forcing the crowd to welcome him in Kieni town.

During the meeting, Nyeri Governor, Mutahi Kahiga, presented a cheque of Sh 38 million to Kieni Dairy Cooperative to help them increase milk production.

When Kega took to the podium, he received a cold reception forcing him to ask the residents why they were bitter with him.

“Why are you not welcoming me like you did for the governor? Are you not happy that I’m here? Women kindly welcome me with ululations.” The MP demanded but the crowd remained hesitant.

After he saw the situation was getting worse, Kega asked the residents to support President Uhuru Kenyatta and asked them to pray for him that he may get re-elected in 2022.

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