Was Karen DCI boss, ANN WANJIRU, who died at a colleague’s party in Upperhill poisoned? Details of her controversial love life and threats from her ex-husband emerge.

 Sunday, July 3, 2021 – Ann Wanjiru Waiganjo, the Karen DCI boss who died on Saturday evening while attending a party at Upper Hill, had a controversial love life.

The deceased DCI boss, who is a younger sister to Kenya’s infamous police impersonator, Joshua Waiganjo, was first married to David Murimi, an inspector in the police force before she parted ways with him and married a junior cop in the prisons service identified as David Mbitu Muchi. 

Her church wedding with the junior prisons officer was attended by senior cops in the country.

Wanjiru filed for divorce from her previous husband since they were legally married at the Attorney General’s office after falling in love with the junior cop.

Last year, the court ruled that her relationship with her ex-husband had broken down and could not be reverted.

When she filed for divorce, her jilted ex-husband started sending her unending threats.

At some point, she even considered withdrawing the matter from court after he threatened to kill her.

There are allegations that Wanjiru could have been poisoned at the party since she had not complained of any health complications.

She collapsed on Saturday evening at around 5:30 pm while attending a colleague’s farewell bash at Baila Restaurant in Upper Hill.

She was rushed to Nairobi Hospital where she was pronounced dead upon arrival.

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko also believes that the deceased DCI boss was poisoned.

Sonko cautioned senior police officers to be careful especially when attending parties.

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