We are done with you and we will be fools if we allow ourselves to fall into your trap again – NASA co-principals tell RAILA as they dismiss his genius strategy

 Wednesday, July 7, 2021 – NASA co-principals, Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Musalia Mudavadi (ANC) and Moses Wetangula (Ford Kenya), have dismissed former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s so-called genius strategy, for them to work together again ahead of the 2022 General Election.

This is after the ODM leader proposed a joint NASA presidential nomination as a way of stemming the looming collapse of NASA coalition which sponsored Raila’s candidature in 2017.

In a statement, ODM told the NASA co-principals that if they beat Raila in the exercise, the party will back the winner for the presidency.

But Kalonzo and Wetangula are reading mischief in Raila’s proposal as it could just be another trap for them since the former PM has betrayed them previously.

Through Wiper Vice-Chairman Mutula Kilonzo, Kalonzo dismissed the plans outlined by ODM.

The Makueni Senator argues that ODM cannot be trusted.

“All these processes are predicated on trust.”

“As we speak, the parties cannot agree on sharing the political parties’ funds.”

“How will they agree on a joint nomination?” Mutula Kilonzo questioned.

On his part, Wetangula, through Kimilili MP Chris Wamalwa, said that they have no problem working with ODM so long as they use the consensus process used in the past and not the nomination exercise as proposed by Raila’s party.

“When we endorsed Raila Odinga, we didn’t use nomination.”

“It was a consensus process agreed upon by the principals.”

“We want to maintain the same methodology,” Wamalwa stated.

“We cannot support a process that can be manipulated,” he added.

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