WETANGULA finally clears the air on whether he has ditched NASA and RAILA ODINGA and joined RUTO’s hustler movement!

 Wednesday, July 7, 2021 – Bungoma Senator, Moses Wetangula, has finally cleared the air on whether he has ditched the National Super Alliance (NASA) and joined Deputy President William Ruto’s ‘hustler movement’ 

On Wednesday, one of the local publications reported that Wetangula and several Luhya community leaders are warming to Ruto’s unstoppable juggernaut.

But speaking to one of the local dailies on Wednesday afternoon, Wetangula, who is also the Ford Kenya party leader, urged Kenyans to treat the news as propaganda.

“It’s cheap and unhelpful propaganda by hate mongers,” Wetangula said.

Wetangula also declared that he cannot work again with Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader, Raila Odinga, saying he is not a person to be trusted.

“To work with Raila Odinga is a big NO. You know currently, I am working with One Kenya Alliance (OKA) to offer Kenyans a better option in 2022,” he said.

OKA comprises Wetangula, Amani National Congress (ANC) party leader, Musalia Mudavadi, Wiper Democratic Movement boss, Kalonzo Musyoka, and KANU chairman, Gideon Moi.

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