With friends like PAUL NZENGU, KALONZO does not need enemies and may soon become a village elder – LOOK!


Thursday, July 15, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s ODM has blasted former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper Party for zoning the country by dictating who visits where and who is not allowed to visit where.

This follows yesterday’s statement where Mwingi North MP Paul Nzengu, an ally of Kalonzo, asked ODM leader Raila Odinga to keep off Ukambani unless invited by the Wiper boss.

Nzengu was reacting to last week’s tour of the region by President Uhuru Kenyatta which Raila gatecrashed and in the process undermining Kalonzo.

But according to ODM, Kalonzo’s allies are reducing him to a village headman.

Led by ODM Chairman John Mbadi, the party said the remarks are not only primitive and retrogressive but also reduce Kalonzo to a village elder and not the national leader that he is.

According to Mbadi, Raila and ODM party are against zoning of regions ahead of the 2022 General Elections.

“They are talking of being President of the country and they are reducing him to a village headsman who requires that before people go to his village they seek permission.”

“Where Kalonzo has reached as vice president of this country and our running mate twice, they should not do that kind of damage to his image,” Mbadi said.

“Even those of us who are supporting him as our running mate twice, we have a stake in his image they should know that.”

“They should stop such kind of primitive talk.”

“They should package him as a national leader, not a village headsman,” he added.

Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua also lashed out at Nzengu terming his remarks personal and which does not represent the community’s position.

He noted that the Kamba nation is hospitable and denounced the remarks by the MP.

“We have heard sentiments by some leaders asking Raila not to come to Ukambani unless he is invited by someone. I think that person does not speak for the rest of us,” Mutua said.

“We are very welcoming people and Kenya is for all Kenyans. You cannot tell any Kenyans not to come to your region. It is not proper thinking. 

“So, I ask Kenyans to please ignore those sentiments of not wanting Raila in our area.”

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