You can accompany UHURU to Western – MUDAVADI now invites RAILA to grace the president’s function as he takes charge of everything

 Friday, July 30, 2021 – Amani National Congress leader Musalia Mudavadi has taken charge of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s planned visit to Western Kenya next week.

This comes even as the region is still divided after a section of politicians were sidelined from the preparations of the president’s visit.

Mudavadi has taken the lead by inviting leaders from other regions to join Luhya leaders in welcoming President Kenyatta in a tour scheduled for this Sunday.

He made it clear that he is not opposed to the idea of ODM leader Raila Odinga accompanying Uhuru during the much-awaited tour.

Attending a funeral in Ikolomani Constituency in Kakamega County, Mudavadi argued that everybody was at liberty to accompany Uhuru to the tour.

He added that he is not scared of his political opponents capitalizing on the visit to push for their ambitions.

“I have no problem on who comes to the Western region.”

“We are also at liberty to visit their regions as long as they fall within the country’s border,” Mudavadi stated.

Politicians from Western Kenya had been worried that Raila may gatecrash Uhuru’s tour of the region just like he did in Ukambani, where he popped in unannounced and undermined regional kingpins.

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