Your office was a den of corruption when you were Prime Minister! – MUDAVADI’s man blasts RAILA ODINGA for saying he will jail RUTO in 2022


Wednesday, July 07, 2021 – A vocal Amani National Congress (ANC) MP has criticised former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for saying that he will jail all corrupt individuals in the country when he wins the Presidency in 2022.

Speaking on Tuesday, Matuga MP Kassim Tandaza, said it is hypocritical for Raila Odinga to say he will deal with corruption yet when he was Prime Minister, his office was a den of corruption.

“If Hon Raila knows that so and so is corrupt, as a good Kenyan citizen he does not have to wait until 2022. 

“Remember he was a prime minister for five years and corruption was still there,’’ Tandaza stated.

When Raila was a Prime Minister between 2008 and 2013, a huge chunk of youth money (Pesa kwa Vijana) disappeared and it was alleged to be looted by Raila Odinga’s aides and his close family members.

The money was in the tune of billions.

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