Big blow to UHURU and RAILA as KALONZO & MUDAVADI hint at joining DP RUTO to send dynasties home in 2022


Monday, August 30, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga may be left alone like a desert coyote going by the revelations made by a confidant of former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka.

In an interview with Citizen TV on Monday, Makueni MP, Dan Maanzo, revealed that his boss and Amani National Congress(ANC) Party Leader, Musalia Mudavadi, have a secret plan ahead of the 2022 presidential election.

Maanzo also revealed that Kalonzo and Mudavadi have declined President Uhuru Kenyatta’s request of supporting Raila Odinga for president in 2022.

Maanzo revealed that in the coming days, Mudavadi and Kalonzo may join United Democratic Alliance (UDA), a party associated with Deputy President William Ruto.

“You see these two Gentlemen (Musyoka and Musalia Mudavadi) will join UDA and support DP William Samoei Ruto for Presidency. 

“They did not agree with President Kenyatta’s proposal of supporting Raila Odinga’s Presidency,” Maanzo said.

“They are conducting secret conversations with some of Ruto’s close allies. And anytime soon, a well-branded Political Coalition is going to shake the Country,” Maanzo added.

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