Blow to DP RUTO as KALONZO says he is ready to work with RAILA ODINGA ahead of the 2022 poll – LOOK!


Monday, August 2, 2021 – Wiper Democratic Movement party leader, Kalonzo Musyoka, has said his party has not severed links with Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party, as earlier reported in the media.

Speaking on Monday, Kalonzo, through his spokesman and Kathiani MP, Robert Mbui, said Wiper is ready to work with ODM despite their small differences.

Many times, Kalonzo has been decrying a lack of transparency within ODM, especially the party leader Raila Odinga and even said that he sees very slim chances of him possibly working with the former prime minister in 2022.

But Mbui said talks are at an advanced stage to see the Wiper and ODM working together ahead of the 2022 polls.

“Moving forward, and in the spirit of building bridges, we have not severed links with ODM. We are likely to work with them in a bigger and better way,” Mbui told Citizen TV.

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