Concerns over JOHO’s continued absence from the public eye ahead of 2022 as critics demand answers – Is everything okay with the SULTAN?

 Monday, August 30, 2021 – The continued absence of Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho from the public eye has his critics worried.

Joho has been missing in action for over one month, with critics claiming he has been sidelined from national politics.

The ODM deputy party leader was last seen in public during Eid ul Adha celebrations and has since gone underground.

In the last month, President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga have hosted several delegations and meetings in Mombasa without Joho; something that raised a lot of questions than answers as to his whereabouts.

But according to his Chief of Staff Joab Tumbo, Joho’s absence is because he has been away and just returned from a trip overseas.

“In politics, people strategize and do not talk all the time. The governor is back from his overseas trip. He is very much active in the current political discussions,” Tumbo stated.

Similar sentiments were echoed by Mombasa County Deputy Speaker and Joho’s ally, Fadhil Makarani, who intimated that Joho is resting while closely following all the political events in the country.

“I know Governor Joho has his private life. But what is clear is that he is resting while closely monitoring the national politics,” said Makarani.

There are other rumours that Joho could be behind the push for a Coast-based political party, something that might have put him out of favor with Raila just like Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi, who was fired from ODM leadership over the same.

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