Here is UHURU’s brutal strategy to ensure RAILA succeeds him in State House in 2022 – RUTO stands no chance here


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 – That President Uhuru Kenyatta is pissed with his Deputy, William Ruto, and wants former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to succeed him in State House come next year is not in doubt.

Uhuru is keen on ensuring that Raila becomes the next president when he retires and is trying so hard to rally his allies from Mt. Kenya to help popularize Baba in the region.

The president is also on a mission to rally all the remaining Opposition bigwigs behind Raila to help him vanquish Ruto in the awaited contest.

Uhuru is also said to be rallying the entire ‘system’ behind Raila ahead of the 2022 contest.

According to sources, Uhuru is planning to unleash all the state power at his disposal to help Raila become president by any means necessary.

The sources intimated that the president has directed Mt. Kenya leaders to host Raila as many times as possible so that he can become a familiar figure in the eyes of locals, some of whom see him as an enemy.

This comes even as the president is personally avoiding campaigning for Raila to avoid making him appear like a state project.

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