I will not take any more nonsense from you – CS MAGOHA loses his cool yet again and scolds senior education official in public like a child


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 – Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha on Monday visited Baringo County and led a delegation of Ministry officials in a door-to-door campaign, seeking 2020 KCPE candidates that were yet to join Form One.

While undertaking the campaign, Prof Magoha sought to know from the Rift Valley Regional Director of Education John Ololtuaa when he had last visited and inspected learning activities in Baringo County.

Responding to the CS’s question, Mr. Ololtuaa was cagey and did not give a straight answer, a move that angered Prof Magoha.

The visibly dejected Magoha lectured Ololtuaa on his role, noting that as the Rift Valley Regional Director of Education, he must visit all the counties in the region and be updated with what is happening in his area of jurisdiction.

“And you are coming here for the first time, let that nonsense stop because I will not take it.”

“If you want to resign and go into politics then do so now.”

“You must make sure that you are available in the field because you are in charge of all counties in the Rift Valley unless you delegated that to someone else,” Magoha said.

Explaining why he decided to lash out at the official publicly, Magoha said such matters must be handled openly.

This is the second time the CS has lashed out at an Education official publicly.

In 2020 while conducting an inspection exercise in Uasin Gishu County, CS Magoha scolded the area Director of Education Gitonga Mbaka for what he termed as untidiness in the school he visited.

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