Kikuyus are just lying to RUTO because they will vote for me to the last man – RAILA now reveals why Mt. Kenya people have no choice but vote for him in 2022


Friday, August 27, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has exuded confidence that Kikuyus will vote for him to the last man come 2022.

Speaking during an interview with Gikuyu vernacular stations, Raila said that he played a key role in various development projects in Mt. Kenya, which he believes will earn him Kikuyu votes.

He highlighted mega-development projects he engineered in Mt. Kenya while he was the prime minister in the grand coalition government.

The ODM leader named the Thika Superhighway as one of the projects that he ensured was undertaken and completed while serving in the Grand Coalition government with President Mwai Kibaki.

He further said that his tenure as the Minister for Roads saw road networks in the region expanded.

“Mount Kenya contributes greatly to the GDP of the country, and during my tenure, I made plans on the development of Thika Super-Highway, Mau Mau Road, Kenol till Marua Road,” said Raila.

On picking a candidate from the region in the 2022 elections, the ODM boss said that he is open to all options and would not hesitate to pick one from the region if that candidate fits the bill.

“People from Mt Kenya are my people and I am open to working with them.”

Raila also deconstructed the alleged Raila-phobia that Mt Kenya people suffer from, saying that the people from the region are very friendly and welcoming to him.

“I have never wronged the region, it is the propagations which started during the Nyayo-era when I went against the regime. 

“They started spreading propaganda that I was a dangerous person,” he added.

He, however, said that since the days of his father, Jaramogi Oginga, the family’s relationship with the Mt Kenya region has been cordial.

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