RAILA has nothing more to offer Kenyans, he should just retire and go back to Bondo – His friend and ODM life member, JIMI WANJIGI, now vindicates RUTO


Monday, August 30, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s 2017 financier and a life member of the ODM Party, Jimi Wanjigi, has intensified campaigns against the ODM leader, calling for his exit from the political arena.

Speaking in Nyeri County after attending a church service at St Peter’s ACK yesterday, Wanjigi, who is eying the ODM 2022 presidential ticket, noted that time had come for his friend Raila to exit active politics since he has nothing more to offer Kenyans.

According to Wanjigi, his party leader Raila Odinga has few solutions to problems currently affecting Kenyans.

While admitting that the former Prime Minister is a hero who sacrificed greatly for the freedom that Kenyans enjoy today, Wanjigi said the country needs a new crop of leaders for the next phase and Raila can’t play in that league because his time was up.

“My friend Raila is a hero of the Second Liberation (struggle for multi-party democracy in Kenya) but his time is up,” Wanjigi said, and in the process vindicating Deputy President William Ruto, who has been on Raila’s case since they parted ways.

At the same time, the billionaire businessman-turned-politician criticized the current crop of politicians eyeing the presidency in next year’s General Election

“There are those who have been in power for more than 30 years; my good friends Musalia Mudavadi, Kalonzo Musyoka, and William Ruto all belong there. 

“They have nothing new to offer and it’s time for fresh leadership in the nation,” Wanjigi said.

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