RUTO flip-flops as he denies helping terrorist HARUN AYDIN secure a Sh15 billion loan from Equity Bank after the bank threw him under the bus


Thursday, August 26, 2021 – The controversy surrounding the deportation of Turkish businessman and an alleged terrorist, Harun Aydin, has taken a new twist after Deputy President William Ruto denied helping him secure a loan.

This is despite confessing to helping Harun Aydin secure a Ksh15 billion loan from Equity Bank to invest in Uganda; a claim that the bank has denied.

In a statement, Ruto, through his Spokesperson, David Mugonyi, said that he at no point helped the Turk secure a facility from any bank.

Reports had indicated that Ruto had allegedly helped the Turk secure a Ksh15 billion loan to set up a pharmaceutical company in the neighbouring Uganda.

The Deputy President said that the investor he helped acquire a loan two years ago, was from East Africa, and not the deported Turkish national.

“The Deputy President did not help Aydin get money from the bank. He helped some Eastern African investors and this was two years ago,” noted Ruto’s spokesperson.

Mugonyi accused Members of Parliament of twisting Ruto’s words during the National Assembly Finance and National Planning Committee inquiry into the financing claims.

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