RUTO may have already sneaked weapons to Kenya from Uganda – ATWOLI now puts State House on high alert

 Sunday, August 8, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto may have already sneaked weapons into the country to cause mayhem in 2022 if things don’t go his way if COTU Secretary-General Francis Atwoli’s statement is anything to go by.

In a statement yesterday, Atwoli asked security officers along the Kenya – Uganda border to be more vigilant by inspecting the movement of goods into the country, noting that the DP could sneak some weapons from Uganda to Kenya through a container.

Speaking during the burial of Tabitha Atiwno, the wife of COTU Deputy Secretary-General, Atwoli accused Deputy President William Ruto of smuggling weapons from the neighbouring country.

Atwoli questioned why the DP was traveling out of the country without clearance from his boss, President Uhuru Kenyatta.

“We will not allow Kenyans to kill each other.”

“All these things you are hearing about Uganda.”

“Security agents should be cautious and check the imports at the Kenya – Uganda border, all containers because some are carrying weapons,” implied Atwoli. 

“Weapons are being brought into the country, and I am prepared to write a statement on that,” he added.

On July 19, Atwoli made similar allegations insinuating that the Deputy President was preparing to cause civil unrest in the event he loses the 2022 presidential polls, which he (Ruto) has expressed interest in participating in.

The DP has been on the spot since he was blocked from traveling to Uganda on Monday, August 2.

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