SHOCK as former boxing champion, CONJESTINA ACHIENG, torches her house – Her mother says she is in a deplorable state.

 Friday, August 27, 2021 – Former boxing champion, Conjestina Achieng, turned violent and torched her house in Yala, Siaya County.

According to her mother Auma, she burnt all her clothes and other items that were inside the house.

Luckily, the fire did not spread to the entire house.

Auma said that the 44-year-old former boxing champion approached her and told her that she had burned down her house.

However, Auma assumed that Conje was just hallucinating since she is mentally unstable.

However, she got worried when she kept insisting that she had torched down the house, prompting her to go and check.

 “When I arrived at her house, I found that she had burnt all her clothes, the fire did not spread to the entire house,” she said.

The depressed former boxing star then turned to her mother and accused her of burning her house.

 “She started shouting at me that I am the one who burnt her clothes and I did not know what to do,” she said.

Conje’s mother revealed that they are living in fear since she is always shouting and making noise while talking to herself the whole day and night.

She is pleading with well-wishers to intervene and help her daughter.

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