Stop copying RUTO and duplicating his hustler ideas – Political analyst HERMAN MANYORA skins RAILA alive

 Saturday, August 7, 2021 – Renowned political analyst Herman Manyora has blasted former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for not being original in his fight to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2022.

In an in-depth analysis on his YouTube channel, Manyora told Raila to stop copying Deputy President William Ruto and duplicating his hustlers’ ideas, and instead, come up with his own ideas.

He advised the ODM leader to focus and shift attention from trying to sell his presidential ambition like Ruto and instead cut his own style.

He told Raila to stop trying to counter Ruto’s arguments and instead, focus on politics and selling himself in a way that resonates with Kenyans.

“Play politics, and do not follow Deputy President William Ruto where he is going. 

“Leave other people to talk about his bottom-up economic model.”

“Do not follow William Ruto on matters of economic policies, never ever talk about economic politics.”

“Leave it to your boys… Tell people the difference a Raila presidency will bring and let the difference resonate with the people,” Herman Manyora advised.

According to Manyora, Raila should only focus on giving Kenyans hope about what his presidency would bring, and just ignore William Ruto, but should he focus on countering William Ruto, he will fail flat.

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