I am the most qualified presidential candidate to fly the OKA flag – KALONZO MUSYOKA says and urges RAILA ODINGA to endorse his presidency in 2022


Thursday, September 2, 2021 – Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has said he is the most qualified candidate to fly the One Kenya Alliance (OKA) flag during the 2022 presidential election.

In an exclusive interview with one of the local publications on Wednesday, Kalonzo, who is also the Wiper Democratic Movement Party Leader, said if all factors were to be taken into consideration, the three other OKA bosses should back him for the country’s top job.

“I don’t believe in negative energy. If things are taken in a balanced manner, my friends should defer their ambitions for me. 

“I can’t rough it on them. It is a discussion issue and I am sure we will discuss and agree,” Kalonzo said.

The other OKA chiefs are Musalia Mudavadi (ANC), Kanu’s Gideon Moi, and Moses Wetang’ula of Ford Kenya.

Kalonzo added that he would never be bossy if endorsed by the OKA team.

“I believe I am balanced, hence they should give it to me. 

“I am a team player and I have demonstrated that many times, selflessly,” Kalonzo said.

He also extended an olive branch to Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party Leader Raila Odinga to join OKA and back him for the top seat.

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