It is selfish for RUTO to have security officers guard his chicken as hustlers die due to lack of security – Governor MUTUA blasts the DP after MATIANG’I’s expose

 Thursday, September 2, 2021 – Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua has blasted Deputy President William Ruto for misusing police officers to guard his private businesses.

This follows Internal CS Fred Matiang’i’s expose on the DP, where he laid bare the number of police officers guarding Ruto and his private businesses.

According to Matiang’i, Ruto is the most guarded Deputy President in Kenya’s history, having 257 armed police officers at his disposal contrary to claims by his allies that his life was in danger due to the recent changes in his security detail.

Speaking during an interview earlier today, Mutua claimed that the damning revelations about Deputy President William Ruto’s vast security detail has painted him in a bad light.

He noted that it was inconsiderate for the second-in-command to station security officers to guard his chicken when Kenyans in villages and towns are grappling with low police to civilian ratio.

“I think this has really exposed the DP.”

“It makes him look very bad especially to people who live in the villages, people who live in our towns who are suffering from criminal elements, that one individual can have police officers guarding chicken,” he said.

The second-term governor found it rather absurd that Ruto’s Koitalel Poultry Farm is guarded by Administration Police when the nation is struggling to improve the police to civilian ratio.

“This is the DP, this is the person who is second-in-command; if anything happened to the President, God forbid, he would be the one to take over. So that person has to be protected as if that person is a president in waiting. But, does this protection extend to chicken, or carrots, or the cows?” he said.

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