JULIANI claims his life is in danger after receiving death threats for posting photos posing with Governor MUTUA’s ex-wife LILLIAN – LOOK

 Thursday, September 2, 2021 – Former Ukoo Flani rapper, Julius Owino alias Juliani, claims his life is in danger.

The celebrated rapper received a call and text message from an anonymous person who warned him to stop posting photos posing with Governor Alfred Mutua’s immediate ex-wife Lillian Ng’ang’a.

Activist Boniface Mwangi, who is a close friend of Juliani, revealed on his Twitter page that the rapper has already recorded a statement at Kileleshwa police station.

“My very good friend JulianiKenya was threatened yesterday. Someone called him and texted using 0773912088. He told him to stop posting pics posed with his friend LillyanneNganga and if he continues, they will kill him. He has recorded a statement at Kileleshwa Police Station,’’ Boniface Mwangi posted.

Juliani also expressed fears over his life through his Twitter page.

He wondered how a grownup human being with a sound mind can be snatched.

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