RAILA’s friend and renowned lawyer, DONALD KIPKORIR, now vows to go into exile if RUTO becomes president next year – He loves BABA to a fault


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 – Flamboyant City Lawyer Donald Kipkorir has vowed to leave the country should his friend and ODM Leader Raila Odinga fails to win the 2022 presidential election.

Taking to Twitter earlier today, Kipkorir revealed that he will opt to go live in Portugal if Raila loses the presidency to Deputy President William Ruto.

“My 2022 Political Choice: Presidency of Raila Odinga or emigration to Portugal,” he said.

His remarks come barely a week after he said he will vote for Raila Odinga in the 2022 General Election even though the former Prime Minister is yet to officially declare his ambitions for the top seat.

“For the record: I will vote Raila Odinga for President in 2022; my 3rd time voting for him …. To vote any other person will be a Faustian Bargain! (An agreement, bargain, or deal in which a person sacrifices or abandons moral, ethical, or spiritual values in favor of wealth, power, or other benefits),” he said.

Raila is expected to give a fifth stab at the presidency in the next year’s poll that has attracted fierce rivals, among them Ruto, who is proving to be a hard nut to crack in the race to State House.

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