See what Governor ALFRED MUTUA has said after a court issued a warrant of arrest against him

 Thursday, September 2, 2021 – Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua has stated that the warrant of arrest issued against him was to his office and not to him as an individual.

The governor spoke after Machakos Environment and Land Court ordered his arrest for failing to obey court orders.

In his statement, Mutua confirmed that he was aware of the arrest warrant and further stated that such court orders are normal in government.

“I have been notified of a warrant issued by the Machakos Environment and Lands Court for me to appear before it,” Mutua stated.

 “I wish to clarify that the warrant is not directed to me as a person but to my office as the Governor of Machakos. This is normal in government,” he added.

Senior Resident Magistrate Charles Ondieki, yesterday issued the orders when deciding on a case that had been filed before the court by David Gitau Thairu. 

Thairu sued the governor after the County Government dumped waste on his property in Machakos.

The Environment and Lands court directed the police to arrest the governor unless he pays Ksh5.5 million to the businessman.

Mutua stated that the county government lawyers have moved to court to overturn the orders of arrest because he is willing to pay the amount stated by the court.

“The county lawyers who have been dealing with this matter are moving to court under certificate of urgency to set the orders aside. This is because the county is willing to pay, once funds are available,” Mutua stated.

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