Shake hands to cool political temperatures in the country – Religious leaders tell UHURU and RUTO to do the unimaginable


Thursday, September 2, 2021 – Religious leaders have challenged President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, to settle their political differences for the sake of peace and unity among Kenyans.

Appearing on JKLive Show yesterday, Rev. Timothy Njoya, Bishop David Oginde, and Sheikh Ibrahim Lethome argued that Uhuru and Ruto should settle their differences amicably rather than going bare knuckles on each other for the sake of the country.

Oginde argued that the Head of State and his deputy should solve their problems internally, rather than spewing venom in public.

“When a mother and a father fight in a family, we do not go shouting about it, but we try to sort out the issues internally. 

“As religious leaders, we have been doing something behind the scenes.”

“We are not going to solve our problems in public. The things you are seeing in the political scene could be worse, but we have been doing something about it and that is why they have not gotten out of hand,” noted Bishop Oginde.

On his part, second liberation fighter and outspoken man of the cloth, Rev. Timothy Njoya, said it is high time the country devises ways to resolve political differences, asking President Kenyatta and his deputy to tone down.

“We have an evil sub-culture in how we resolve political differences – by using violence. We need to devise other ways of resolving election loss other than violence,” Njoya stated.

“This evil culture has seen the politicians use children of the poor mobilised to attack children of other poor people. 

“You will never see the kids of these violent mobilisers get involved. They always set up the poor against the poor and impoverish them even more.”

Likewise, Sheikh Lithome said that the current leadership and political crisis in the country is a monster that has been bled and fed by Kenyans.

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