Shock as it emerges that billionaire JIMI WANJIGI is RAILA’s project to fool Kenyans – See how BABA is using him to revamp himself


Thursday, September 2, 2021 – Political analyst Edward Kisiang’ani claims that ODM leader Raila Odinga is using businessman Jimi Wanjigi to get an ODM ticket ahead of the crucial 2022 presidential race.

Venting on Twitter yesterday, Kisiang’ani argued that Raila set up a mock opposition in the party which is being led by Jimi Wanjigi so that he competes against him in party primaries.

“For Raila to sanitise his predetermined endorsement as the ODM flag bearer, he has to set up a mock opposition in the party.”

“That mock opposition is being provided by Jimmy Wanjigi.”

“The noises against Wanjigi have also been present. Both Wanjigi and the noises are Raila Odinga’s project,” he said.

In June, Wanjigi threw his hat in the ring to battle for the ODM presidential ticket against Raila Odinga ahead of the 2022 General Election.

Wanjigi, who has been a big supporter of Raila Odinga and a financier of his campaigns, especially in the 2017 General Election, said he was ready to take the bull by the horns.

He has been opening ODM offices in the country without the permission of Party leadership, a move that had caused disquiet in the orange party.

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