KABANDO wa KABANDO warns RAILA and DP RUTO over careless remarks made by JUNET MOHAMED and JANE KIHARA

 Monday, October 25, 2021 – Former Mukurweini MP, Kabando Wa Kabando, has warned Orange Democratic Movement party leader, Raila Odinga, and Deputy President William Ruto, over incitement remarks made by their attack dogs.

On Friday, Raila Odinga‘s lieutenant and Suna East MP, Junet Mohamed, elicited a sharp reaction after he said members of the Kikuyu community will be treated as visitors in Jakom’s government.

On the other hand, Ruto’s lieutenant and Naivasha MP, Jane Kihara, was on Saturday captured in a video saying members of the Luo community don’t pay house rent and warned Kenyans against electing Raila Odinga president in 2022.

Commenting on the two incidents, Kabando, through his official Twitter page on Monday, asked Ruto and Raila to denounce the toxic threats spewed by their close allies against Mt Kenya region and Luo Nyanza.

“Raila Odinga: will you denounce the toxic threats spewed by your confidant against Mt Kenya people in your very presence?

William Ruto: will you denounce the toxic threats spewed by your confidant against Luos in your very presence?” Kabando asked.

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