Terrified RAILA loses his cool and calls his supporters fools after it emerged that they are not ready to battle with RUTO in 2022 – Look!


Tuesday, October 26, 2021 – ODM leader Raila Odinga has expressed his fear that his foot soldiers are not well prepared to battle with Deputy President William Ruto.

The ODM leader said he was worried that while Ruto’s supporters were aggressively registering as voters, his supporters in ODM strongholds are reluctant to get ready for the electioneering process since they are not registering as voters.

“If your opponent is sharpening the knife and you are busy singing and clapping for him, is that a strategy of foolishness?” Raila posed.

With barely a week to the end of the mass voter registration, IEBC has said that only 760,000 people have registered as new voters ahead of the 2022 General Election.

IEBC’s assessment of voter listing revealed that Raila Odinga’s Nyanza region has registered a worrying trend of low voter registration as opposed to Ruto’s Rift Valley which has registered a significant number of new voters.

For instance, Siaya county has only registered 14,308 new voters against the target of 105,378 new voters leaving more than 100,000 people aged 18 years and above outside the voting brackets.

Last month, Raila said he may not run for the presidency in 2022 if his people fail to register as voters in large numbers.

“I cannot vie if my people will have not registered for IDs and voters’ cards.”

 “I will first gauge the number of people who are registered before I make my announcement on the presidential race… I have mastered all the ways to maneuver through this journey,” he said.

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