This is Governor ANNE WAIGURU’s emotional message to UHURU after she joined RUTO’s UDA

 Tuesday, October 26, 2021 – It is now official that Kirinyaga County Governor, Anne Waiguru, has dumped the Jubilee Party and joined Deputy President William Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

Waiguru held a closed-door meeting with Ruto at his Karen residence then later announced her defection.

She also pledged to work with Ruto in his bid for the presidency in the 2022 polls.

A month ago, Waiguru, who has had an on and off frosty relationship with the DP had said she will “ listen and do extensive consultations” with the electorate before deciding as far as the August 2022 general election is concerned.

She said she has listened to the electorate and they have advised her to join Ruto because that is where they want her to be.

She also, in a thinly veiled reference to President Uhuru Kenyatta, urged leaders to listen to what people are saying on the ground level because they are the employers.

“I cannot try to be ignorant and go against my people. 

“I can’t vote myself in, I am listening to what they want and I encourage other leaders to listen to the ground before making any political move,” Waiguru said.

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