Another MP dumps RAILA and declares support for DP RUTO after the Eldoret rally – Look! At this rate BABA may see State House on Viu Sasa!

 Wednesday, January 12, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s ally and Moiben MP, Silas Tiren, has made a U-turn and now supports Deputy President William Ruto for the presidency.

Speaking to his constituents earlier today, Tiren said he has no issues with DP Ruto and that he would wish he becomes the President.

He noted that he is only interested in retaining his parliamentary seat adding that he will back the DP for the top seat.

“I wish DP William Ruto all the best. I want him to be the president. 

“I have no problem with his presidential bid. I am only interested in being the MP of this area and you are the ones to decide,” he said.

However, he warned Ruto not to interfere with his bid to be the MP for Moiben.

He asked the DP to support his bid now that he has declared his support for him.

The MP was responding to remarks made by allies of the DP at a rally in Eldoret on Saturday, where he, among others, was labelled as a traitor in the community.

The MP dismissed the remarks by the MPs saying he has not done anything to spoil Ruto’s chances of being the president.

He maintained that he has been focused on addressing the needs of his constituents and implementing development projects in the area.

On joining the UDA party, the MP said he was still a member of Jubilee because of the legal dictates that states one cannot be a member of two parties.

Nonetheless, he said when the right time comes, he’ll weigh on which direction to go regarding his political future.

Tiren has been a fierce critic of Ruto in the Rift Valley region.

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