It is over as the latest opinion poll reveals the tag team that will win the presidency between RAILA/KALONZO and RUTO /MUDAVADI – LOOK!


Thursday, January 13, 2022 – An online opinion poll conducted by one of the local dailies has revealed the tag team that will win the August 9th presidential election.

As it appears, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga will name former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka as his running mate and Deputy President William Ruto might name Amani National Congress(ANC) party leader, Musalia Mudavadi, as his running mate.

The daily has asked Kenyans which tag team between Raila/Kalonzo and Ruto /Mudavadi will win the coveted seat in August.

Over 6000 Kenyans participated in the poll and 56.6 percent supported Ruto and Mudavadi team while 43.4 percent supported Raila and Kalonzo team.

Here is the screenshot of the opinion poll

The poll comes at a time Mudavadi and Ford Kenya party leader, Moses Wetangula, are warming to Ruto while Kalonzo and Kanu Chairman Gideon Moi are warming to Raila Odinga.

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