New Twist as Wiper Party now begs RAILA to choose KALONZO as his running mate even as BABA eyes Mt. Kenya for the DP slot – Look!

 Thursday, January 13, 2022 – Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka is a man under siege and could be running desperate ahead of the August polls.

This is after it emerged that a section of his allies now wants him to back the ODM leader Raila Odinga for the top seat.

According to a source, the Saturday meeting which Kalonzo has scheduled at his Yatta home will be used to convince Kalonzo to back down from his presidential bid and negotiate for the DP’s seat with Raila.

“I think we are wasting time with OKA. The longer we take to cut a deal with Raila the more difficult things will become for us,” Kalonzo’s close confidant disclosed.

Kalonzo has worked with Raila in the last two elections, which they lost to President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto.

However, the former vice president will not be Raila’s automatic running mate given that the ODM chief is reportedly being pushed to pick a Deputy from the Mt Kenya region.

The developments come even as ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi is allegedly planning to bolt out of OKA during his NDC meeting scheduled for January 23 to join forces with Ruto.

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