RAILA ODINGA absolves himself from the Sunday chaos at Jacaranda grounds where DP RUTO was stoned and reveals the ‘cunning criminal’ behind the mayhem – LOOK!

 Monday, January 17, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has dismissed claims by Deputy President William Ruto and his allies that it is Orange Democratic Movement(ODM) lieutenants who sponsored the Jacaranda Grounds’ chaos on Sunday, where the second in command was stoned by goons.

Ruto and his lieutenants were blaming Embakasi East Member of Parliament, Babu Owino, over the mayhem that saw police lob teargas canisters to disperse the unruly mob.

In a statement released on Sunday evening, the Raila Secretariat branded the DP Ruto as a violent person who thrives in causing chaos for political gain.

The statement claimed that since he joined politics in 1992, he was preceded by a violent formation dubbed YK92 and has carried on the brand ever since.

“Violence has been part and parcel of Ruto’s brand of politics right from the time he introduced himself to Kenyans through the YK92. 

“Other than use of money to buy support, violence is Ruto’s main tool for political ascendance,” read the statement in part.

The team further accused the DP of sponsoring youth to attend the rally and reckoned that the chaos arose after a section of them disputed over the distribution of finances.

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