RAILA’s Presidential bid is now unstoppable as NABULINDO dumps MUDAVADI and joins Azimio after listening to the ‘ground’

 Tuesday, January 11, 2022 – Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi has suffered yet another career-threatening blow after newly elected Matungu Member Parliament, Peter Oscar Nabulindo, dumped him for ODM leader Raila Odinga.

In an announcement yesterday, Nabulindo revealed that he had joined Azimio La Umoja, which is backed by Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga.

The first-term MP explained that the people of Matungu had instructed him to join Raila’s camp after realising that the former Prime Minister will form the next government.

Further, Nabulindo stated that he was not ready to lead his people to the opposition because he wanted them to benefit from development projects initiated by the national government.

“The people of Matungu want me to be in the next government so that I can bring development to this area and I can’t do that when I’m in the opposition, so they have told me to join Azimio since it will form the next government,” he explained.

Nabulindo was elected Matungu MP in March 2021, following the death of Justus Murunga. 

“He trounced Orange Democratic Movement (ODM)’s David Were with 4,000 votes.

He is the latest lawmaker from ANC to join Raila’s camp after Lugari MP Ayub Savula revealed that he would back Raila’s quest to become the fifth president of Kenya.

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