See what UHURU told ISAAC RUTTO about RAILA’s swearing-in that made him hate BABA like hell – No wonder he dumped NASA and joined DP RUTO


Sunday, January 16, 2022 – Chama Cha Mashinani (CCM) Party Leader Isaac Rutto has revealed how President Uhuru Kenyatta warned him about ODM Leader Raila Odinga’s swearing-in after the contested 2017 General Election. 

Speaking during an interview, the former Bomet governor said Uhuru called him four times to warn him against supporting the mock swearing-in, saying it would plunge the country into chaos. 

“President Kenyatta called me and said we should not drive the country into a chaotic situation.”

“We engaged four times, and he asked which was of a greater good, the complaint about mismanagement of the election or saving the country from going into chaos,” Rutto said. 

He noted that his conversations with Uhuru influenced him to ditch the National Super Alliance (NASA) and support his predecessor, the late Joyce Laboso’s administration. 

On the death of NASA, Rutto disclosed that it was caused by internal conflicts caused by the disputed 2017 presidential election. 

According to Rutto, some principals wanted the elections contested in court while others wanted the country to be divided, a stand which did not sit well with him.  

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