Shock as RAILA names the region that is hostile to him as he divides the country into 3 zones ahead of the August polls – You won’t believe this!

 Wednesday, January 12, 2022 – ODM leader Raila Odinga has come up with a strategy that will guarantee him victory in the upcoming August polls.

His campaign team has divided the country into zones in order to make it easy for his presidential campaigns.

The strategists have divided that country into three zones, based on perceived support and hostility.

The team has labeled Raila’s strongholds in blue, battleground (green) and hostile (red), where they will tailor campaigns for each zone.

The blue zones are regions that have overwhelmingly been voting for Raila Odinga in the past elections.

Raila has traditionally received unwavering support from Nyanza, Western, and Coast regions.

The battlegrounds are labeled by Raila’s strategist as regions where any presidential candidate can win the majority of votes.

They have established Central, Eastern, North Eastern, and Nairobi regions as the battleground for the August election.

In these regions, the team plans to have a well-organized and vigorous campaign as they will be key in the poll.

Even though Central has always been hostile to Raila, his association with Uhuru Kenyatta is working in his favor.

Lastly, Raila’s team has picked Rift Valley as the hostile region hence naming it a red zone.

The red zone regions are areas Raila is expected to get minimal support for his presidential bid.

Raila’s main competitor, Deputy President William Ruto, comes from Rift Valley, which could have informed the zoning of the region as red.

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