Another Churchill Show comedian goes broke and desperately begs for help – He is now working as a shamba boy to make ends meet (PHOTOs).

 Tuesday, April 5, 2022 – Churchill Show comedian, Consumator, is broke and struggling and is currently begging for help from well-wishers.

Speaking in an interview, the comedian revealed that his tribulations began in 2019 when his father was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

He used his savings to cater for his father’s medical bills, leaving him penniless.

“As the family’s breadwinner, I used all my saving on my dad’s treatment. After undergoing surgery, he has been going for checkups atleast once a week. I had to sell everything I had in my house to pay for my dad’s treatment,” he recalled. 

Things went from bad to worse in 2020 when Covid 19 struck.

With no shows, he couldn’t afford to pay rent, forcing him to move in with a friend who lived in Zimmerman and they agreed to cost share rent.

His friend later kicked him out at night after he failed to raise Ksh 3,000.

The talented comedian said that most of his friends abandoned him when he went broke and at some point, he sunk into depression.

He now survives by doing menial jobs like ploughing people’s lands to make ends meet.

Consumator has appealed to his fans to help him bounce back and do what he does best.

“I want people to stand with me. If you have events or jobs contact me. The little I get from emceeing events will help me get on my feet. Number two, I’m starting a YouTube show as a comeback, and I need help to shoot it,” he said

Below are his photos when he was at the top of his career.

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