Detectives unearth new details over the mysterious death of EBBY in the dormitory at Gatanga Girls! The Principal is in trouble after the sleuths discovered this.


Thursday, April 7, 2022 – On January 10, this year, the director of the Homicide division based at DCI headquarters took over investigations into the murder of Ebby Noelle Samuel, who until her death was a student at Gatanga CMM Secondary school, currently St Anuarite Gatanga Girl’s school.

Ebby, who was a form one student at the school, met her death under mysterious circumstances on the night of March 8-9-2019, with the school administration stating that the form one student had fallen from her bed the night before her classmates noticed her motionless body.

In order to establish the actual circumstances that led to Ebby’s death, the detectives sought to record statements from witnesses who included Ebby’s friends and classmates and on January 11, a team of seasoned homicide detectives was dispatched for the assignment. 

However, they found the school environment intimidating for the witnesses and opted to take their statements once the schools were closed, during the ongoing holiday. So far, we have recorded several statements all of which contradict the account given by the school administration. 

The team has established that on the fateful night, Ebby had been assaulted severely by a senior member of the school’s administration on allegations that her hair had been styled contrary to school regulations. 

This happened during evening preps time, minutes before the 9 pm bedtime bell rang. 

Ebby, retired to bed that night with severe injuries. 

That was the last time Ebby’s friends saw her alive, as their efforts to wake her up the following morning turned futile. An autopsy conducted by the government pathologist confirmed that Ebby died as a result of blunt force trauma, due to head injury.

The detectives are also investigating a conspiracy to defeat justice by the school administration, which gave contradictory statements and has been intimidating students who are willing to give the actual account of what transpired. This informed the decision by detectives to visit the children in their homes where they have opened up on what really transpired.

Investigations are in advanced stages and it is only a matter of time before the perpetrators of Ebby’s killing are brought to book and held accountable for their actions.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations assures all students and witnesses in this matter who are willing to volunteer information that their identity shall remain anonymous.

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