Drama at police quarters in Migori as girlfriend burns police officer’s wife with hot water – This is exactly what happened.

 Saturday, 23 April 2022 – Drama ensued at Migori police station quarters after a police officer’s wife engaged his  girlfriend in a fierce confrontation.

According to a report, the officer’s wife, Francisca Gatuari, visited him announced and found his girlfriend, identified as Divon Atieno, in his house.

The officer had left the house to buy milk at a nearby shop.

Francisca’s demanded to know what Divon was doing in her husband’s house, leading to an ugly confrontation.

Divon is said to have poured hot water on the police officer’s wife, leaving her with serious burns.

The officer rushed his wife to a nearby hospital where she is receiving treatment.

His girlfriend is in custody waiting to be arraigned in court.

This is what the OB report reads.

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