Finally, UHURU reveals the person he wants to deputise RAILA ODINGA in August – 2022 GAME is over!


Tuesday, April 26, 2022 – President Uhuru Kenyatta is among senior Azimio –One Kenya Alliance leaders who were burning the midnight oil trying to come up with the best candidate to deputise former Prime Minister Raila Odinga in August.

Uhuru, who is the chairman of the Azimio-One Kenya Alliance, is said to have held consultations with various candidates including Narc Kenya Chairperson Martha Karua, former Gatanga Member of Parliament Peter Kenneth, and former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka.

According to political analyst Martin Andayi, who is well informed on Azimio matters, Uhuru has settled on Karua as the best running mate for Raila since she will represent the female gender and Mt Kenya electorate in the Azimio government.

“They want to have a fresh ticket and also have a woman for the first time as a running mate and it appears the idea is being pushed by people around the president,” Andayi stated.

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