He forced me to join RAILA’s Azimio but I stood my ground – Speaker MUTURI now reveals why he defied UHURU and joined RUTO’s Kenya Kwanza.

 Monday April 25, 2022 – National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi has finally revealed why he refused to give in to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s pressure to join Raila Odinga’s Azimio.

Speaking in Kamwimbi, Chuka/Igambang’ombe constituency in Tharaka Nithi County over the weekend, Muturi said Uhuru had pushed him to join Azimio la Umoja but he declined and instead joined Deputy President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza.

According to him, during the 2013 and 2017 elections, they had agreed that it is Ruto who will take over the presidency from Uhuru.

He said it was Uhuru himself who told Mt Kenya region that Mr Odinga was not the right person to lead Kenya and that he should stop confusing the people by asking them to vote for the Azimio leader.

He said DP Ruto is the right person to take over the leadership from President Kenyatta and asked Kenyans to vote him in.

At the same time, Muturi dismissed claims by some of his party leaders that it was not the decision of DP to join Kenya Kwanza.

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